CPU=MACHINE/K (default: mc68020+mc68881)
This setups the assembler code generator. Known processors:
MC68000, MC68010 - these are known, but unsupported
MC68020, MC68030, MC68EC040, MC68LC040, MC68EC060, MC68LC060
- these will generate code without fpu instructions, see NOFPU
MC68040, MC68060 - these will generate code with fpu instructions
MC68881, MC68882 - these have to be used only with one of the above ones.
PowerD will recognize also sth like: 68030 or 030 as MC68030, lc060 as MC68LC060 etc.
You can also use combinations like 020+881, or mc68ec040+882 etc.
Pay attention that You enter sensesfull combination and 68000/68010 aren't supported!
Currently there are no differencies between 020 and 030, 040 and 060 in code generator,
these will be added in future.